In case of successful payment, you will receive an email confirmation from HNDMD.

In case of payment failure, please retry ensuring:
Information passed on to payment gateway is accurate ie. account details, billing address, password(in case net banking)
Your internet connection is not disrupted in the process.

In case of UPI / Google Tez payments in India, sometimes the credit takes time to reflect in our Payment Gateway. In case the payment has been debited from your account, get in touch with us stating the time of transaction and screenshot of payment confirmation at your end. We would mark your order as under processing pending payment confirmation so that your products are reserved for you. Once the payment is confirmed, we would ship out your order. We would cancel the order if the payment is refunded back to your account by Gateway / Wallet / Bank.

If your account has been debited after a payment failure, it will be rolled back within 24 hrs. You can get in touch by writing an email on for any clarifications.